ASDOG is a fully accredited member of Assistance Dogs International, Inc., a coalition of members representing organisations that train and place Assistance Dogs. http://www.assistancedogsinternational.org/

Texas Hearing and Service Dogs (THSD), a well established and highly respected community organisation, was invaluable in assisting us to set up our training program and infrastructure. http://www.servicedogs.org/

A sincere thanks to Belrose Bowling Club for generously allowing the ASDOG Management Committee to use its meeting rooms and facilities. http://www.belroseclub.com.au/

ASDOG gratefully acknowledges Spinal Cord Injuries Australia, with funding support from The Roth Charitable Foundation, for filming its assistance dogs in the What Next DVD series. http://scia.org.au/

ASDOG is proudly affiliated with and supported by Northern Suburbs Dog Training Club. http://www.nsdogtraining.org.au/

Nina Beilby, professional portrait and commercial photographer, has generously volunteered her professional services to produce a stock of high quality photographs for ASDOG. http://www.ninabeilby.com.au